Saturday, February 22, 2014


Java Provides two types of HotSpot Java Virtual Machine

client VM : client VM is tuned for reducing startup time and memory footprint by invoking the -client JVM .

server VM : server VM is designed for maximum program execution speed by invoking the -server JVM.

JDK :JDK is a collection of tools for deleloping java applications .we can compile programs written in java and run them in jvm.

JRE:JRE consistes java platform core classes and supporting java platform libraries to run java applicaiton on your computer .

JVM :JVM is platform independent execution environment that converts java byte code to machine language and executes .

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Weblogic Installation - Installers - Types - Methods - System Requirements

Types of Installers :

1)OS - Specific Installers. (.exe .bin)

2)Generic Installers - This installer does not contain jdk's.

3)Upgrade Installers - Patches .

Installtion Methods :

1)Graphicl Mode Installation .

2)Console Mode Installtion (filename -mode=console).

3)Silent Mode Installation (filename -mode=silent -silent_xml= path of the silent.xml file .

Installation Types :

1)Typical Type.

2)Custom Type .

Default Domain Template : WL_HOME/common/templates/domain/wls.jar contains default configuratin of domain template .

System Requirements :

support Platforms.

Processor -- 1 GHz CPU.

Hard Disk -- 3.9 GB.

Memory 1 GB -- Recommeded 2 GB. JDK

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Reverse Proxy and forward Proxy

What is proxy server ?

Proxy servers is a server receive requests from client and it will forward the request to the origin servers.
Proxy server act as intermidiary between client and other origin servers .
Type of proxy servers :
Reverse proxy :
1)Reverse proxy is a proxy server used to pass the requests from the internet to a private network(intranet).
2)Reverse proxy servers also loadbalancing capabilities to number of backend servers
3)Reverse proxy can also lessen network traffic by servering cached information rather than passing all request to backend server by enabling cache
Forward Proxy :
1)Forward proxy is a proxy server used to pass the requests from the private network(inranet) to internet .
Proxy Chaining :
1)A Proxy chain uses two or more proxy servers .
2)Proxy chaining is not a type of proxy but a use of reverse and forward proxy acress multiple networks.